Villa Villekulla Farm, named after the iconic home of Pippi Longstocking, is a one-woman operation led by Lauren Gitlin and her team of ruminant colleagues. Founded with the intention of embodying playfulness, whimsy, and strength, the farm specializes in crafting wildly delicious goat milk-based dairy products.

Lauren, originally from Indiana, embarked on a journey that led her from a career in journalism and wine sales in New York City to Vermont, where she apprenticed with Laini Fondiller of Lazy Lady Farm to learn the art of raising goats and making cheese. After gaining experience at Lazy Lady, Twig Farm, and Consider Bardwell, Lauren established her own mini herd in January of 2019, smuggling three of her favorite goats from Lazy Lady. Now residing in the Delectable Mountains of Barnard, Vermont, Lauren lives with her husband Teo, her cat Bitsy, and her ever-growing herd of goats.

For the Apprentice, the focus will be on herd health, milking, dairy processing, and pasture work. Learning to handle and care for the goats is prioritized, laying the foundation for all farm activities. The upcoming season will involve transitioning to new product development and silvopasture development, with the curriculum tailored to the specific interests of the Apprentice.