Make a Donation

Family and friends of Anne Saxelby have established the Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund to provide training opportunities to young adults. Funds raised will allow youth to apprentice in sustainable systems and agriculture, domestically and abroad, the way Anne did. These opportunities can enable participants to return home and have the same impact on their communities that Anne had in hers.

All donations make a big impact and are greatly appreciated. Whether $5 or $500, we are so thankful for your support! ASLF is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are 100% tax deductible.

Would you prefer to send us a check? Please make it payable to Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund and send to 217 W 18th St, PO Box 1219, New York, NY 10113.

You can also donate by phone at 718-389-0985.
